Trendlines & Headlines is a new monthly newsletter from the Data & Insights Practice at FT Strategies, where we share and analyse one graph, chart or table from the world of news and publishing.

Every now and then, whether it is during a client project or while conducting research, we come across or build a really, really cool chart. Whether it is the way it is visualised or what it tells us, we can’t help but get excited. 

Up until now, we have had the pleasure of sharing and discussing these tables, graphs and charts in our own team Slack channel. But now, we want to expand our community of data-obsessed news and publishing execs – with this newsletter being the first port of call.

If you want to be sent interesting charts, graphs or tables and get insights from our expert team - Emanuele, Sarah, George, Fiona, Lamberto - on a monthly basis, then sign up below.