
A major book publisher was interested in pursuing a direct-to-consumer (D2C). The company was interested in having greater ownership and visibility of the customer data and approached us with key questions to help them drive growth:


  • What is the strategic rationale for developing direct digital relationships with readers?
  • How might we go about building these?


FT Strategies collaborated with the client over multiple phases which included:

  • Interviews with internal stakeholders to understand their current approach and objectives
  • Innovation workshop to brainstorm ideas, prototype and align ambitions
  • Summary report of findings


  • Aligned board on a single vision for the D2C digital strategy
  • Built an investment plan for the business which considered:
    • The rationale
    • Market analysis
    • Company’s vision and objectives

“The benefit of working with a consultancy in an operational company is we can see their processes in action.”