
The European GNI Digital Revenue Launchpad is a collaborative effort by Google News Initiative, National Media Association and FT Strategies. The programme engaged a group of 12 local publishers in the UK and Ireland, providing them with the tools to transition to reader-centric revenue models. Each publisher are nascent in their direct to consumer proposition and required support to accelerate their journey.


During the 3-month engagement FT Strategies provided:

  • Inspiration sessions with subject matter experts detailing subscriptions, memberships and donations
  • Primary research such as Reader Surveys to understand customer needs
  • Tech mapping and a capability assessment to identify potential areas for investment
  • Dedicated 1:1 support and group co-hort sessions to provide shared experiences and mentorship


  • Deep customer research and insight from thousands of survey responses
  • Blueprint for developing new capabilities and implement a new sustainable revenue model
  • Robust and proved methodology to test, learn and evolve their reader revenue proposition
  • Understanding of the technological landscape to implement their chosen model
  • Bespoke and ambitious North Star strategy with a roadmap to achieve their goal
  • Culture of experimentation and a cohort with which to share knowledge

“Thank you for hosting and presenting a most thought-provoking and stimulating course over the last few weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the sessions that I have attended and it has left me with a great many things to consider.”

Chairman, Bullivant Media